EDGE OF OBLIVION: #SciFi awesomeness by @courtcan and Others


Today I have the pleasure of introducing a brand-new Sci-Fi anthology which, firstly, has stinkin’ awesome cover art, and secondly, features a talented friend and colleague, Courtney Cantrell (with other great authors). Read on to find out more on Courtney’s piece and the compilation as a whole: Edge of Oblivion.


Merciful Schadenfreude, We’re Skirting the Edge Here

When Tony Healey put out a call for sci-fi short stories, even he probably couldn’t have predicted what a hodge-podge of results he’d get.

Geekery. Motherhood. Twistedness. Comedy. Gaming. Policework. Artistry. Obsession.

And that’s just the authors.


With sixteen stories clocking in at approx. 76,000 words, Edge of Oblivion takes readers on a sci-fi ride that leaves heads spinning and minds wondering.

There’s something in here for every lover of sci-fi, fantasy, or the weird: X-rated aliens, bounty hunters, time-travel, nostalgic Horsemen of the Apocalypse, genetically retrograded animals, the US Remote Viewing Project, creepy local legends, and world-conquering demons.

And that hodge-podge of authors I mentioned? They’ve brought the force of their collective quirkiness to bear on these tales so as to craft a collection of stories to knock the socks off a nanite-monkey*.

Court’s Short

Me, I had help from two characters by name of Grace and Jack who’ve been dogging my writing footsteps since 2005. In Edge of Oblivion, they grace us (grace, ha ha, get it?) with their perplexing presence via “The Mercy and the Schadenfreude of the Soulless.”

Yes, that is the actual title. I don’t know why. It was probably Grace’s idea.

Trying to explain Grace and Jack is like trying to explain quantum physics to a 3rd grader.

I love quantum physics. But I do not understand quantum physics.

Similarly In exactly the same way, I love Grace and Jack but do not comprehend them in the least. I don’t understand a lot of what they say. I don’t understand how they think. Jack, my first-person narrator of the G&J stories, comes up with imagery and metaphors that flabber my gast. And deeply disturbed as she is (or is she?), Grace is likely to spout off with stuff that would confound even the most brilliant cryptanalysts.

Grace and Jack come from a place in my psyche I don’t like to look at too closely.

Oh, I’m sure it’s all benign enough. Grace and Jack can be gritty sometimes, but there’s nothing truly dark or insidious about them (I think). Still, writing-reading them leaves me with that feeling you carry around all day after you’ve had a particularly odd dream.

A dose of G&J, and the whole world shifts a fraction and I’m squinting to see where reality ends and imagination begins. When I resurface from one of their stories, everything around me suddenly bears a hint of “off,” a slight taste of Other.

“The Mercy and the Schadenfreude of the Soulless” delves into time-travel, marriage, dimension-hopping, the soul-drain of (undeserved?) guilt, and redemption.

In their convoluted and passionate relationship, Grace and Jack ask and answer the questions of what insanity really looks like…how far love really has to go…how far love even should go…and whether or not madness is catching.

Also, there are Mighty Galumphing Histrionic Sky Gods.

Edge of Oblivion is available for purchase here. All proceeds from the sale of Edge of Oblivion are being donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

If you’d like to read more of Grace and Jack (including a free short story), that’s all here on my blog.

Connect with me on Facebook here.

Happy reading, y’all!

*I don’t actually know that there’s such a thing as a nanite-monkey. But there SHOULD be.


courtcanbiopicCourtney Cantrell is the author of the paranormal trilogy Demons of Saltmarch, the epic fantasy series Legends of the Light-Walkers, and a smattering of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror short stories. She lives in Oklahoma with her husband, daughter, cat, and vorpal unicorn morphing powers. Check out Courtney’s Amazon Author Page, Blog, Facebook pageEpic fantasy, and Paranormal fantasy.




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